self image |
selamat malam korang =)
entry kali ni ak share ngn korang pasal grooming, td punye kejadian starting from 5.30pm until 8.45pm at level 16, kbm. hehe. sgt interesting peristiwa td. kami diajar mcm mana utk grooming our self to become more attractive more beauty. hehe. program ni mmg ssuai utk org mcm ak y agak tidak berapa pandai or expert about makeup. hehe. td da dpt info serba sedikit la how to grooming our self.
Makeup tools are provided by the consultant. consultant ke??? mmwhateva =). hehe. ak juz bwk diri je. makeup, tools & everythin already prepared. makeup sponsored by silky girl & avon. i like silky girl & avon, elianto toooo.....
kits and tools for makeup |
1 Eyelash Curlers
2 Angled brush - for lines and brows
3 Natural foundation sponge
4 Eyelash Comb - to separate lashes
5 Liner brush - for eyeliner
6 Foam blender - to soften pencil liner
7 Brush blender - to soften eyeshadow
8 Blush/contour brush
9 Tweezers -for all unwanted hair!
10 Dust-away brush - for under eyes
11 Eyeshadow brush - on top eyelids
12 Sharp scissors
13 Latex sponge - cream foundation
14 Lip brush - for even coverage
15 Hair clips
16 Foundation brush - for liquid foundation
tp td benda alah sume tu xad la. ad sikit je. dlm 6-7 items je asenye.. y num 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13 only...
wowwww... |
Step 1
mbersihkan muka...
mggunakan Facial Max product dr Serimelmex. function...
-rejuvenate & revitalise skin -anti acne |
Step 3
mggunakan Clay Max dr Serimelmex. function...
-remove toxic & dirt from the body
-anti acne
-repair skin texture |
Step 4
memakai BB Cream Silky Girl
Step 5 dan seterusnya....
yg berakhir dgn memakai lip gloss...
after rebranding... |
how i look??? |
the end.....